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Serb Fest returned in 2004 and ultimately proved to be everything it was anticipated to be for the 12 months leading up to it. So much came together during the year including the advent of this website and more importantly, the "Fire & Ice Extravaganza" documentary that was officially released the night of Turkey Run Eve. For the second straight year, we once again, drastically increased our numbers in attendance, bringing the total to 12 attendees. This of course yeilded an incredible 5 orders of cevapcici and approximately 13 cases of beer. Despite a few hang-ups to start the weekend, most notably, forgetting $80 worth of tomatoes at Jovan's house, we were able to regroup and replace the tomatoes at a "farmer's market" type stand along the side of Highway 41 just outside Marshall, IN. The equivalent number of tomatoes coincidently only cost $28 the second time around.

Who could possibly think of Turkey Run 2004 without feeling blessed to have spent the weekend with some old familiar faces, including Cica Bora, Teta Cica, Cica Daca, & Teta Lela. We were truly in the midst of legends and their presence meant that much more after having missed them in 2003. We were also thrilled to have Crazy Dan Boskovic back this year after his absence in 2003 as well. The atmosphere is electric when he enters the scene, especially with an indian head-dress.

TR '04 only solidified the claim that Memorial Day weekend is in fact the most anticiapated weekend of the year!

John Zelenkovich
18 (19)
Took a hard spill after planting his muddy palms on the back of Scott's beater. Introduced the "Fire & Ice" grill/cooler.
Scott Berger
7 (9)
Managed to prepare the finest chicken breasts anyone had ever experienced.
5 (6)
Brian Kelley
4 (5)
Cevapcici Consumption Award - 50+ consumed
Jeff Berger
4 (5)
Once again captured the weekend on film.
Jeff Heitzman
3 (4) *
Brian Crissie
3 (4)
Dan F
Opted to not wear a shirt a majority of the weekend
Charlie Ruiz
Saved a child's life on Sugar Creek
Chuck Leto
Arpan Desai
Assisting Cica Bora at the grill, Introduced a new bratwurst grilling technique.
Vince Kus
"Dr. Phil"; Fell asleep on the wall. ; Saved 2 drowning children; Recieved a ticket on the drive home at a toll booth.
XX (YY) :: XX Indicates # of trips to Serb Fest, YY Indicates total # of trips to Turkey Run
* Indicates a Demerit that has resulted in -1 Trips

[In response to the cevapcici order] "Is this for a church function or something?" - DSD

"Did we just buy a cooler full of tomatoes?" - Jovan Zelenkovich

"Jovan, we forgot all the tomatoes in your refridgerator!" - Scott Berger

[In response to the 2nd tomato purchase] "Is this for a church function or something?" - Tomato Cashier

"If it doesn't fit, I'll just stick my nose in it" - Vince Kus

"I'll make him give her a dead horse... That's my quote." - Vince Kus

"Okay Giggles (I'm REALLY sorry)" - Scott Berger

"Oh My God!! This cevapcici looks so good I'm gonna cry!" - Unknown (Can anyone own up to this?)

Rookie of the Year Arpan Desai Awarded for his enthusiastic late night grill operation
Cevapcici Consumption Award Vince Kus Consumed 20 in a single sitting.
Intellectual of the Year Vince Kus For his insigntful comments throughout the weekend despite his sometimes inebriated state of mind.
Record Setting Distance Traveled to Attend Turkey Run Arpan Desai Traveled 866 miles from Raleigh, NC
Most Improved Jovan Zelenkovich Despite packing 4 coolers full of beer, he clearly learned his lesson of a year ago regarding the 15 mile kayak trip.


[Left to Right] Vince Kus, Jovan Zelenkovich, Chuck Leto, Scott Berger, Jeff Heitzman, N/A, Brian Crissie, OLAF, Brian Kelley, Jeff Berger, Arpan Desai, Charlie Ruiz.



























© 2003-2010 Turkey Run :: Serb Fest - Online

All rights reserved.






The beer supply was dominated this year by Old Style. In addition to the token 30 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon, other staples such as High Life, Lite, Corona, & MGD also filled the coolers.
Not having barely begun the hike, XX already feels the need to taunt the jagged cliffs of Turkey Run seemingly daring them to try to take his life as they almost did during his last trip in 1999.
Most of the group takes a break after coming down a steep hill mid-hike.
Scott & Jovan's beaters tell the story of the hike as they head back to fire up the grill.
Cheif Boskovic solutes with his Miller High Life as he floats down Sugar Creek.
Jovan floats contently down Sugar Creek along with BS & Crazy Dan as Chuck the Truck works to keep up...
Arpan lends a hand to a legend behind the grill.
Arpan shares a moment with the indian head dress and Crazy Dan.
Scott stops for a photo with Cika Bora as he anticipates the next round of chicken to come off the grill.
Cika Daca and Teta Lela clutch their red solo cups as they wait patiently for the food to be ready.